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The Virtual Millionaire
Welcome To The Virtual Millionaire
Message From Michael
Connect with Michael (0:45)
What it takes to become a Millionaire Real Estate Investor? (6:49)
The Millionaire Mindset
Wholesaling Real Estate Explained (8:56)
Game plan & Setting up Your Wholesaling Business
Departments of Wholesale Company (1:49)
Clarify your Company Mission and Vision (2:44)
Virtual Wholesaling and Credibility Pieces (4:47)
Setting Up Your Google My Business Page (4:40)
Selecting Your Market
Market Research for Your Virtual Market (2:57)
Team and Systems
Team Members and Company Overview (6:06)
Recruiting Resources (3:18)
Marketing and Lead Generation
Marketing Channels Explained (8:53)
Data Process Explained (15:14)
Cold Calling Services (3:49)
Cold Calling Explained (2:47)
Cold Calling Action Plan (14:25)
Cold Calling Sellers and What to Say (5:28)
Direct Mail Breakdown (18:50)
Resimpli List Stacking Feature and Skip Tracing Records (2:25)
Effectively Tracking Marketing Campaigns (11:11)
Prop Stream - Exporting List and Adding to Resimpli (7:15)
Batch Leads - Pulling 65+ list (4:31)
Prop Stream - Pulling High Equity Absentee Owner List (5:39)
Prop Stream - Pulling Tax Delinquent List (2:02)
Prop Stream - Pulling Pre-Foreclosure List (1:37)
Driving For Dollars (1:53)
What's working and Marketing Game plan (5:42)
Lead Management and Follow Up Mastery
Lead Management Mastery (8:17)
Setting Appointments (3:56)
Removing Someone from your Database (1:29)
Underwriting and Deal Analysis
What to Look For (1:57)
Quick Deal analysis and Comps (5:20)
Acquisitions Template - Running Numbers (5:45)
Contracts, Terms, and Exit Strategies (9:10)
Request for Property Photos (2:52)
Negotiation Strategies (3:58)
Getting The Seller's Price (7:09)
The Perfect Sales Call (7:42)
Getting the Contract signed! (2:47)
Dispositions Step by Step Process (4:27)
Cash Buyers and Where to Find them (6:57)
Marketing the Deal (1:56)
Getting the Deal Sold! (4:10)
Contract to Close
Transaction Coordination Process (3:29)
Responsibilities and Testimonials (1:59)
Closing the deal and Getting Paid! (2:15)
Departments of Wholesale Company
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